
What are the risks of turning down freelance work?

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What are the risks of turning down freelance work?

Even when you're really busy, it's never usually a good idea to turn down work. You might have to delay working on that assignment or give it only part of your time, but if you turn it down that could equal lost income. Then again, if you accept more work than you can handle, you are also likely to go over deadline.
What are the pros or cons of accepting too much freelance work or gigs?


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People will say you are unreliable if you turn down work too often. But, if you accept work that you can complete, they will say the same thing too.

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The problems are related to long term customers (like advanced freelancers or agencies that order from me), because we can loose our regular customers. So, I found that the best way to fix the problem of busy time or (2-3 days holiday or for solving personal problems), is to increase the delivery time to 7 days or in exceptional situations to 10 or 14 days. Of course, at the begining of our gig description we can add a special note to explain the temporary increased delivery time (also, it can be a bad idea for some regular customers)...

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Most buyers will only look at this situation from their own point of view and not really care how busy you are. The buyer will want to know why you canceled an order and simply saying, “I'm too busy won't be good enough.”

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There could be a risk in canceling too many orders that your account will get suspended. At least, that's true if you cancel your orders within the first 24 hours. If possible, you should give each service your best effort before trying to cancel.

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Yes ppscslv is right.

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Most buyers will only look at this situation from their own point of view and not really care how busy you are. The buyer will want to know why you canceled an order and simply saying, “I'm too busy won't be good enough.”

I repeat: you can increase the dedlivery time when you're busy. Also, it's normal for buyers to don't care about sellers. When you'll develop personal freelancing projects that requires the work of several sellers in the same time, you'll not be happy when some sellers fail to deliver their work on time. Or, if you'd be a reseller and you loose a customer because one of your sellers failed to do his job on time... the most probable you'll search for new sellers...

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Usually, I do not reject freelancing offers. I take the offers even if I do not have time to work. When I do not have time and yet take the offer, I find a freelancer to work for me. I will be earning some commission from the work even if I am not working on the assignment. However, this does not happen too often. Usually, I always have time fro work. If you reject freelancing offer, you will lose a client and also an earning opportunity.

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