
Untitled Blogger Posts

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Untitled Blogger Posts

I just noticed how Blogger will title an otherwise untitled post with the first line of the post. So you don't have to put a title on your post, just leave it blank and Blogger fills in that info for you. This could be a good time saving measure if you are just making a quick blog status update as the first line is usually most descriptive of the blog entry content.


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Being owned by Google, you could expect a really good built in SEO benefit like automatically titled blog posts. This is a good feature, another reason to use Blogger.

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Just a little side note, if you don't actually have content on the post, it still reads as 'untitled post'. This can happen when you open a page to work on and then close it starting. The saved draft won't have any content but it will still save for future use.

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I never knew that Beverly. I just assumed that you needed to have a title when you posted.

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