
Do you subscribe to RSS feeds from other blogs?

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Do you subscribe to RSS feeds from other blogs?

I love subscribing to RSS feeds from other blogs so that I know when there are new posts and content. This is really useful for blogs where I'm trying to get backlinks. That way I can read the new posts and make relevant comments. Another reason that I subscribe to RSS feeds are for niche SEO and webmaster blogs, so that I can read the latest industry news.

Do you subscribe to blogs to get the latest updates? If so, for what reason?


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forever love
I've subscribed to a few blogs on as it lets me keep track of what my friends are posting. But sometimes I have to unsubscribe as the blogs are no longer relevant to me or I just don't have time to read all the new posts. Still I will drop by those blogs on occasion to read posts and make comments, especially if I've known the blogger for awhile.

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There are fews blogs that I have seen that are fully focused on writing on relationship tips, but those are the one that I subscribe to their RSS feeds and always take a clue on how they write and maintain the visitors to the blog.

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