
What will you do on your forum when your mods go on holiday?

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What will you do on your forum when your mods go on holiday?

Most people take a holiday vacation, especially around Christmas. And, that goes for forum staff too. What will you do on your forum when your mods or admin take vacation? Do you have a back up plan for staff, or will you be trying to run the forum on your own?


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And, this is why you need many people on your staff, not just a few. That way you will always have someone to guard your forum which will allow you to take some time off for family or job related reasons.

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A forum owner has no choice but to man the forum while the staff are out on a holiday. There is a saying that even slaves deserve a rest day. Unfortunately, that adage does not apply to a forum owner who will sacrifice for the sake of the forum. However, if you think your forum can run on its own without any supervision then I guess you can try and just be prepared for the consequences. That is the benefit of getting part time staff from the members particularly those very active. They are in the forum most of the time so they can easily act as part time or temporary staff.

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