
Minimum age for a staff member

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Minimum age for a staff member

Do you have a minimum age for a staff member? For instance, would you hire your teen or child to manage your forum, such as for spam prevention, assuming they were mature enough to handle the responsibilities?


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If a teen could assume the responsibilities of spam prevention and act appropriately on a forum without trolling, then they would be welcome to be staff on any forum that I owned.

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If they were responsible and knew what was expected then I see no reason as to why not. Sometimes teens are much better than older people at this sort of stuff.

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On my gaming forum, no, I do not mind what age they are, as long as they can do the job correctly, that's good for me. Minimum age for a staff member I do understand though that in some cases, have a minimum or even maximum age limit would be better or necessary. Minimum age for a staff member

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On my gaming forum, no, I do not mind what age they are, as long as they can do the job correctly, that's good for me. Minimum age for a staff member I do understand though that in some cases, have a minimum or even maximum age limit would be better or necessary. Minimum age for a staff member

Correct depending on the niche of the site. I am assuming that on your gaming site there are many younger people on it due to the fact that it is something they enjoy and know a lot about.

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Yeah, the age range is roughly 13 to 20s, with some people on either side Minimum age for a staff member

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For a more professional webmaster or admin forum, it will help to have an older moderator or admin (late teens/twenties or older) who has actual experience in the admin or business world. For another type forum such as games, you could have a young teen mod or admin who does a good job as they might be interested in that subject.

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