
Striking out banned members

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Striking out banned members

Something that bothers me a lot is going to a forum and seeing usernames struck through with the BANNED label. What's your view of striking out a banned members name?


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When i see the person has been banned, it discredits the posts made by the person. And, maybe the person was banned for something that had nothing to do with the quality of their posts. But to me, it reflects badly on what that person has to say.

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Maybe the struck out name is a warning to the remaining members that if you misbehave then all your hard work will be for nothing. Though they apparently get to keep all those forum posts you made.

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Maybe the struck out name is a warning to the remaining members that if you misbehave then all your hard work will be for nothing. Though they apparently get to keep all those forum posts you made.

I guess it just depends on whether you are the forum owner/admin or a regular member as to how you view the struck out member.

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What's the purpose of striking out their name? Can't you just ban the member and prevent them from coming back?

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Also, what if the person who was banned was once a valuable forum member? Wouldn't you just be demeaning their prior contribution by publicly announcing their ban with the struck out name?

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What's the purpose of striking out their name? Can't you just ban the member and prevent them from coming back?

Exactly. I see no point in this, do not allow them to come back is how I feel about it.

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When i see the person has been banned, it discredits the posts made by the person. And, maybe the person was banned for something that had nothing to do with the quality of their posts. But to me, it reflects badly on what that person has to say.

No reason to mess up all that good content like that. Just leave it up and suspend membership.

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I have noticed that in one forum where a member has a strike out symbol under his name. When I checked on it, I learned that he is banned. However, I find him having new posts and I even tested that when I replied to his post and he replied again which means he is still active. Now I am wondering what that banned symbol really means. It is derogatory and if I would be tagged as banned then I would probably leave the forum because that banned symbol is a very bad connotation.

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