
Will Publish and Distribute Your Press Release To Top 500 Media Sites for $70

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Will Publish and Distribute Your Press Release To Top 500 Media Sites

Get Your Press Release Distributed To Over 500 News and Media Sites

Hey there, got some hot news about the company or brand you want to send out? But don't know where to reach?

Press Releases are the way to go!

Get your company or brand showcased on over 500 Top News Sites.

Some may ask, what benefits can publishing a Press Release do?

Let me share with you some key insights:

  • Instant exposure to a large audience of buyers
  • Build connections with media and journalists from large media companies.
  • Build strong brand awareness by showcasing your brand on many news sites.
  • Build and strengthen your SEO presence.
  • Increase your website traffic rate
Your Press Release will be read and viewed by thousands of customers/clients/media journalists and this will bring in that media the attention you want to achieve.

What you will be getting in this package:
  • 2 links in the content and 1 naked link to the homepage.
  • QuickTAT of 48 hours.
  • Complete PDF distribution report.
Please take note:
  • Press release must be written in third pronouns
  • Press release has to be within 600 words.
  • Complete headline, summary, and info.
!!Order Today And We Will Get Started Right Away!!

What's included



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Will Publish and Distribute Your Press Release To Top 500 Media Sites for $70 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 1 user reviews.
$70 - In stock