
Will Publish And Distribute Your Press Release To 200 Sites for $25

100% (118)
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Will Publish And Distribute Your Press Release To 200 Sites

Hey there!!
Did you just revamp your website with a new brand design?

Got a new manager in the office?

Just moved offices?

All these are news that can draw in the media attention you deserve!

Come along and let us help you distribute your Press Release to 200 News Sites, including The Daily Dispatcher, VN Reporter, Central News Today, and more.

We do not have any topic restrictions.

What you will be getting in our package:

  • 2 anchored links in the context of the press release and 1 naked link to the homepage.
  • Complete spreadsheet report.
Make sure your press release has the following details:
  • The press release must be written in third person pronouns
  • Less than 600 words
  • Complet headline, summary, and contact info.
!!Order today and we will get started right away!!

What's included



Pressrelease PR Distribution seo linkbuilding news


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Will Publish And Distribute Your Press Release To 200 Sites for $25 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 61 user reviews.
$25 - In stock