
Problems posting comments and submitting guest posts on my websites?

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Problems posting comments and submitting guest posts on my websites?

I need some advice and this is related to a problem that I have had on two of my websites on a number of occasions.

If I am not logged in then I can't comment or submit a guest blog post. I have had feedback from some of my readers that they have had the same problem.

Here is the error message I just got and that is always the problem:

Problems posting comments and submitting guest posts on my websites?

Please can you explain to me why I am getting this error and how I can resolve it?


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Hard to tell just like this, without looking at your website. Submitting guest post or comments should be switched OFF for not logged in users anyway, for spam protection reasons. But in that case, comment form would not be visible at all. So could be some theme problem, or could be number of other reasons. If you wish, PM me your URL and i will try to check as visitor...

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Thanks... I have found the problem but it has created another problem for me. I disabled the WP Spamshield and now it is all working fine... except for the spam comments coming in which are really annoying.

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